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Stock response: hitting the buffers

Embattled device produced HTC has a new CFO - we reported this on Total Telecom yesterday - but our headline didn't shout at me in quite the same was as that of Business Insider.

"HTC Is Getting Clobbered After Its CFO Unexpectedly Leaves The Company" was the title followed up by a quote from Tom Tang, a vice president at Masterlink Investment Advisory in Taipei "When a company changes its CFO, it often indicates that the company's operations or financials have reached a bottleneck."

This resonated with me as it's one of the themes that will be addressed at the forthcoming Total Telecom Finance Summit in October (tweet with #TTFS12). If this interests you, why not speak to us about how you can get involved or Save the Date to attend: 10 & 11 October, London

[Image: ©Fredgoldstein Stock Free Images]

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