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How fast is fast enough? #DisruptionEruption

Interesting to read the article by CNET's Stephen Shankland asking how fast is fast enough? This exactly mirrors the subject to be presented by Mark Kellet, CEO of operator Magnet where he will discuss how can smart pipes allow users to do more with less?

Stephen's article also quotes  John D'Ambrosia, chair of the Higher-Speed Ethernet Consensus group who points out "For 2015, we expect the bandwidth that needs to be supported to be 10 times what it was in 2010, and in 2020, 100 times what it was in 2010,"

This is just one of the disruptive issues facing telecom operators grasping the opportunities to deliver a profitable telecom business, so if this sounds like something you are grappling with, maybe you should attend Total Telecom World. Register by the 24 August for the lowest possible rate.

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