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3 Key Findings from Day 1 @totaltelecom #FinanceSummit

Yesterday's first Total Telecom Finance Summit saw great turn out of telco executives from across the globe gather to discuss issues ranging from Operator Business Models to Funding and Investment Strategies.

A long days wrapped at gone 6pm with an outstanding predation from Lloyds Banking Group Chief Economist, Trevor Williams. His gripping presentation illustrated clearly by an audience staying to ask questions despite an agenda that had run well over time!

Moderator for the day, Roland da Silva then ably wrapped up with three key themes from the day:

1. Now is critical - Joe Gallagher of KPMG had early in the day urged the operators present to Be Brave, stressing that decision made now will influence the future.

2. Get the basics right - CFO of Vimpelcom, Hank van Dalen had been briefed to offer a futuristic vision, but underlying this was the important message that you must do the basics well.

3. Learn the lessons - many speakers had alluded to the current economic situation, but Roland finished reminding us that we will come out of recession and should take the lessons learned with us for the future.

Day 2 promises to bring more key lessons for those seeking to understand the business of telecoms. 

Some of the speakers insights can be read in the event eBook.

KPMG and Lloyds Bank sponsor the #FinanceSummit

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