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Total Telecom introduces Network Management Show 2013 #TTNMS

Total Telecom Network Management Show
Total Telecom is proud to announce the launch of Total Telecom Network Management Show from 2-3 July 2013.

This two-day strategic conference and exhibition will feature senior decision makers from the largest brands in the telecom industry.

The event, to be held at ETC Venues St Paul’s, London, will address issues within the network industry and aims to provide a unique environment to examine the issues of running the network and the skills and technologies involved. It will also address complex issues and the demands of end users.

Click here to find out more!Visitors to the event will be drawn from both the operator and enterprise communities and will join top decision makers from the biggest brands to examine these issues and Rob Chambers, Managing Director of Total Telecom, believes this is the event for those involved in the management of today's telecom networks.
“We’re really looking forward to the launch of Total Telecom’s first Network Management Show. It will provide a great opportunity to showcase network solutions and will see an exclusive gathering of the largest companies in the industry. We really hope that this event will be a success and become an annual show on the telecoms calendar.”

The Total Telecom Network Management Show 2013 will focus on many different aspects of network solutions including managing different technologies in your network, simplifying your networks and network management, optimising traffic on both legacy and new mobile platforms simultaneously and more.

Speakers will present case studies of innovation and excellence in a variety of topics ranging from understanding the options for better network management to developing revenue generating services from the core.

To find out how to get involved, download the prospectus 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Post SBC