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ETSI explains why Network Management is a big issue

My eye was caught by ETSI's press release flagging the launch of the Industry Specification Group. It goes on to explain how virtualization can be beneficial to telecoms networks, but then has a wonderful paragraph which encapsulates much of the reason why Network Management matters to telecom operators.

To quote:
"Telecoms networks contain an increasing variety of proprietary hardware appliances. To launch a new network service often requires yet another appliance and finding the space and power to accommodate these boxes is becoming increasingly difficult, in addition to the complexity of integrating and deploying these appliances in a network. Moreover, hardware-based appliances rapidly reach end of life: hardware lifecycles are becoming shorter as innovation accelerates, reducing the return on investment of deploying new services and constraining innovation in an increasingly network-centric world."

We wish ETSI well with their latest endeavour, and thank them for the nice explanation on why network management matters to their members!

Total Telecom is launching the Network Management Show in London on the 2 and 3 July 2013. To find out more:

>> Download the sponsorship prospectus

>> Download our Network Management Research Summary

>> Visit the website

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