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Nokia MeeGo tablet spotted

A number of Websites on Monday reported the sighting of a Nokia tablet running MeeGo - the operating system being developed by the handset maker in partnership with Intel.

A very dark photo of the device initially appeared on Mobile-Review's forum, seemingly swiped from MeeGo's bug-reporting Website.

Reghardware handily pointed out that tweaking the brightness levels revealed Nokia's logo - so we went ahead and did it - the results are circled in the image below.

There are no details on whether it is a bona fide tablet being prepped for launch, or a prototype device that has been created exclusively for the benefit of MeeGo's in-house developers, but it would be a surprise if Nokia elected not to produce a tablet.

Either way, the Finnish handset giant is holding a "Strategy and Financial Briefing" on 11 February - industry observers will no doubt be watching closely for product announcements.

Meanwhile, check out Total Telecom on Thursday for Nokia's Q4 results where we'll see whether the company has made up any lost ground in the smartphone space.

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