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Paving the Way #DisruptionEruption

What happens when an OTT player diversifies? Someone goes Over the Top. In this case literally. Much has been made of Google's fibre project in Kansas City, but now one budding entrepreneur is looking to utilise the much vaunted new network to enable embed sensors in pavement slabs to capture data about potentially hazardous roadway conditions, such as cracks, potholes and traffic jams. The WSJ carried the story of  Integrated Roadways LLC.

Also spotted this week (via engadget),  the US MVNO Ting - famed for it's aggressive flexible price plans has done a deal to offer users the Samsung Galaxy SIII. That's sure to give traditional players some-Ting to think about!

These and other disruptive and innovative ideas are just the type of story we want you to hear about at Total Telecom World.

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