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97 stories that shaped #telecoms in 2012

The Total Telecom+ December / January issue is out [download PDF], and it includes our review of the year.

So why settle for a list of the Top 10 or even 20 things when this includes no fewer than 97 stories covered by Total Telecom this year that you really should have read!

And whilst you are at it, check out:

Mary Lennighan's Review of the Year: Gaining Weight
Nick Wood on Mobile operating systems: Windows of Opportunity
Predictions: What's in Store for 2013
Executive changes: Revolving Door
Myth Busters: An analyst viewpoint from Plum Consulting's Tony Lavender

Total Telecom+ is easy to read on your Apple or iOS tablet, can be downloaded as a PDF, or viewed as an online edition.

1 comment:

Telecom Training said...

97 stories eh? Not bad, will check it out now!