Your opinion matters more than anyone's

Total Telecom are conducting our annual User Survey and your opinion is the most important. Before we get carried away, let us explain; when a media owner like Total Telecom asks for your opinion, it's very easy to ignore it and let someone else complete the survey, but the reality is we conduct this research to try to create better products, one's that you and your colleagues get value from, and the only way we can do this is by understanding what YOU want and need.

So please take five minutes to help us achieve this. the survey is short and should give us some more insight into what we should be writing about, how we should be presenting it, and what other events and solutions we should offer to help you do your job better.

All the information will be treated in confidence and the results used only in aggregate, unless you have specifically asked for more information. The more responses we get, the better the result, so please feel free to share with your colleagues, on social networks, the company intranet etc...

The survey should not take more than 5 minutes to complete, and can be found on the Survey Monkey platform at

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

p.s. don't forget - your opinion matters most!

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