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Milton Keynes Plastic Cows
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It's been a week of Tweets for @totaltelecom with presence at two events that ended up feeding off each other - even though they were for different audiences and in different countries.

We were delighted to work with ETNO (@etnoassociation) to organise our first ever Regulatory Summit in Brussels on the 30 May. We saw a packed conference room listening to some fantastic speakers including Georg Serentschy of BEREC and Anthony Whelan, the Head of Vice-President Kroes Cabinet.

But what was most notable was the twitter activity. We promoted the hashtag #RegSummit and saw a constant stream of tweets throughout the day.

At the same time, in the somewhat less glamorous surroundings of Milton Keynes similarly furious tweeting surrounded #NextGen12. Again a good line up of speakers including Broadband Development UK, a slightly embattled representative of BT and the charismatic Mark Kellett of Magnet.

Although not connected there was a twitter clash around the hot topic of investing in fibre - subject of a keynote at our Brussels event from Gregor Langus of Charles River Associates.

So twitter rules when it comes to regulation. It will be interesting to see if this still holds true when Neelie Kroes joins ETNO next Monday to create a Twitter Storm - follow the hastag or put a question with #ETNOKroes

Missed out on the ETNO / Total Telecom Regulatory Summit? Next event from us will be Wireless World in London on the 12 & 13 June - find out more.

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