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Google #Cloud: a threat to Amazon or a threat to you?

Yesterday the Google enterprise blog unveiled a raft of new Cloud assets aimed at enterprise market place and was reported by various parts of the press as gunning for Amazon web services.

Whilst this may be true, once again this underlines the threat that the likes of Google pose to the traditional telecom industry, offering over-the-top services at no doubt competitive prices, but more importantly leveraging the enormous strength of the Google marketing infrastructure and making the entire proposition seem user friendly and simple with a typically clean proposition page.

Telecom operators are still not getting to grips with their cloud propositions and others are eating their breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

And it's not just Google. yesterday IBM strengthened its private cloud proposition through the purchase of Platform Computing, whilst the Total Telecom press release feed is awash with releases relating to Cloud initiatives, mostly from vendor companies.

However the opportunity for the telcos is clear. At a recent conference in Rome it was flagged that reliability tops enterprise concerns about the cloud and this opens the way to a terrific opportunity for the telecom operators. OTT providers cannot guarantee the reliability of the network, whilst telcos are far better placed to offer this reassurance.

Without doubt this is at the core of the debate and will be central to the discussion at the Breakfast with Total Telecom Next Generation Cloud Services discussion on the 6 December.

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